"Leading" in photovoltaic operation and maintenance: returning to the essence of value
发布时间:2022.03.25 来源:Zhejiang Leji Electric Technology Co., Ltd.

The opening of the era of parity highlights the importance of the "long-distance running" of photovoltaic power plants. Under the spotlight, photovoltaic operation and maintenance enterprises must eventually travel through the jungle.

On May 22, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration issued the "Notice on the First Batch of Wind Power and Photovoltaic Power Generation Parity Grid-Grid Projects in 2019", officially opening the era of photovoltaic parity in China. Under the new situation, more and more attention has been paid to the preservation and appreciation of existing assets. Enterprises are aiming at the field of intelligent operation and maintenance, and a series of operation and maintenance concepts and solutions such as intelligence and big data have appeared one after another. According to industry insiders, as of the end of 2018, more than 100 companies across the country provided operation and maintenance services.

From the blue ocean to the red ocean, from product to service, from R&D to technology, back to the essence of value, how to help the owner to do well in operation and maintenance, and ensure the safe and stable operation of the power station throughout the life cycle? How to reduce costs and increase efficiency for owners is a problem that photovoltaic operation and maintenance companies must face, and it is also the key to building their core competitiveness.

Turn cost into profit, intelligence + refinement is the core

For photovoltaic project owners, the most important thing is the investment income of the power station. A comprehensive operation and maintenance solution needs to be developed around this core. It should not only focus on the investigation of abnormal conditions of the power station, regular inspections, ensure the normal operation of the photovoltaic power station, reduce the power generation due to abnormal power station and equipment failure, but also pay attention to the power station. Operations, maintenance and asset management.

Safety is the first priority. During SNEC in 2019, Hu Zhichao, deputy marketing director of Qingdao Sanas New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Sanas"), said that everything is based on the safety of photovoltaic power plant assets. With the development of science and technology and the gradual realization of the intelligent stage of equipment, photovoltaic operation and maintenance has shifted from the stage of extensive development to the stage of intelligence and refinement, which seeks benefits from power plants.

The so-called intelligence, the most important manifestation is to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Among the operation and maintenance costs, labor costs account for the largest proportion; and as the cost of photovoltaic kWh decreases, the labor cost of the power station will not drop but rise in the later stage. How to save labor as much as possible in the stock and incremental projects has become the highlight. Therefore, the Sanas operation and maintenance team has been thinking about how to improve work efficiency and reduce costs through technical means.

This is mainly reflected in two aspects: first, intelligent operation and maintenance equipment, which reduces the workload and difficulty of operation and maintenance personnel by introducing hardware equipment services such as intelligent cleaning robots and drones. The second is to apply the intelligent monitoring system, through big data mining and other methods, to promote the power station to realize less people on duty, risk prediction, fault diagnosis and remote control, and timely elimination of shortages. Especially in the areas where the power stations are concentrated, the centralized control system can comprehensively control the operation and maintenance of the power station in the entire region, and dispatch personnel to the scene to solve the problems of the power station in time.

It is reported that after the comprehensive upgrade of the Sanas smart photovoltaic centralized control platform (SWS3.0), three major functional innovations with more than 50 small items have been added, including the overall station equipment and facility quality evaluation system, the fault tracking module, and regional irradiation comparison. and irradiation/power generation evaluation system to achieve intelligent operation and maintenance.

In addition, regional management is an effective measure to solve the problem of uneven distribution of operation and maintenance personnel and resources. Specifically, based on the existing 5 major regional operation and maintenance networks, Sanas has formed a three-level operation and maintenance monitoring and management. The headquarters has a strategic vision and assumes the responsibility of commanding supervision; Data centers one by one fully solve the pain points of scattered power plants and difficult operation and maintenance.

In fact, the cost of photovoltaic operation and maintenance has dropped to a few cents per watt. In the era of meager profits, it is more necessary to refine the operation and maintenance management, improve the efficiency of power station operation and maintenance, and provide value to customers.

Operation and maintenance still needs to be standardized and standardized

With the increase of the operating life of photovoltaic power plants, the quality problems of photovoltaic power plants have begun to become prominent, especially the frequent failure of some photovoltaic power plant equipment after warranty, and the closure of key equipment manufacturers, which have made operation and maintenance more difficult.

In addition, after the 5.31 New Deal last year, the operation and maintenance market has become the coveted cheese of many companies, forming a situation of competition between three camps. First, system equipment vendors; second, third-party professional operation and maintenance providers such as Sanas; third, other companies such as operation and maintenance equipment vendors and EPC integrators. What follows is that some companies use various relationships, or in order to take the project regardless of cost, low-price competition and other chaos.

At present, the entire operation and maintenance industry has not yet formed a standard. Hu Zhichao said that in this context, on the one hand, the effect of operation and maintenance is worrying, and on the other hand, it may cause the phenomenon that bad money drives out good money.

In order to cope with this situation, Sanas developed his own operation and maintenance manual and management standards, and formed a management system to standardize and quantify the behavior of operation and maintenance personnel. While reducing the risk of mistakes by operation and maintenance personnel and guiding the work of operation and maintenance personnel, it also relieves the work of operation and maintenance personnel to some extent.

For example, Sanas adopts intelligent power station equipment to collect data without blind spots, and monitor video operation visualization. And the content of inspection and inspection items are included in the specification. All operation and maintenance personnel take a standardized template to inspect, clarify the content of inspection, and avoid omissions.

be among the frontrunners

Shanxi Changzhi Photovoltaic Technology Leading Base, as a national photovoltaic technology leading base, is one of the important demonstration projects for the country to promote the progress of photovoltaic power generation technology, industrial upgrading, market application and cost reduction. In mid-May, Sanas successfully became the operation and maintenance service provider for the new 250MW photovoltaic leader base project in Changzhi, Shanxi Province, fully demonstrating its technologically advanced centralized control capabilities and high-quality and efficient services.

Talking about the particularity of the operation and maintenance of the project, Hu Zhichao introduced that the 250MW photovoltaic "Leader" base project in Changzhi, Shanxi belongs to a super-large-scale power station, which brings more difficult requirements to the operation and maintenance work, which involves high voltage level and large area. , equipment and other problems, the related management and maintenance work is more complicated, if there is a lack of systematic and technical support, it is easy to fall into a state of stress and blindness.

Sanas provides full life cycle operation and maintenance services for the project, Hu Zhichao further introduced, "After becoming the operation and maintenance provider of the project, Sanas will give priority to intervention from the construction stage of the power station according to the requirements, and arrange personnel to From the perspective of professional operation and maintenance, we assist the owner in assisting and supervising the construction of the power station. During the entire construction process, we ensure daily tracking and timely feedback. The pre-operation and maintenance will help us to ensure that the power station will have a life cycle of up to 25 years. Safe operation, reducing the difficulty of later elimination and operation and maintenance.”

Specifically, the pre-operation and maintenance work of Sanas will focus on three aspects: tracking the adjustment suggestions of construction design, simultaneous elimination of shortages in the construction phase, and formulation of exclusive operation and maintenance plans.

More than "leading", Sanas has deeper expectations for the field of photovoltaic operation and maintenance. 25 years - Value's management plan for the whole-process management and control of renewable energy operation and maintenance; cross-border VR integrates intelligence into team training, and Sanas' appearance during this SNEC period can be described as particularly dazzling. The former is Sanas' responsibility to customers; the latter is Sanas' dedication to the team.

Using VR technology as a medium, combined with Sanas' rich training knowledge system, can effectively avoid power security risks, and provide immersive high-simulation power station skills training, thereby improving the practical ability of front-line personnel and shortening the training cycle of talents. Rapidly improve the professionalism of the team.

Up to now, as a new energy digital technology management and control service provider, Sanas has served power stations with a cumulative capacity of more than 3.8GW, forming a photovoltaic power station full life cycle management system, covering photovoltaic power station site selection, power station equipment selection, power station construction links and power stations. After the completion of monitoring, inspection and maintenance, the power station is managed through the online and offline linkage mode.

Its operation and maintenance service network covers 29 provinces and cities including Shandong, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Anhui, Henan, etc. Its partners include listed companies, energy giants and multinational enterprises, and the types of services cover ground power stations, agricultural (fishery) optical complementarity, rooftop distributed and photovoltaic poverty alleviation.

While the domestic business is steadily advancing, it has signed a contract with Pangwo Power to provide technical services for the 60MW photovoltaic power station in Malaysia. Sanas is practicing the globalization development strategy of diversified business.

Don't forget the original intention, Fang De is always. With the further integration of advanced digital information technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, and cloud computing into the photovoltaic industry, Sanas, which adheres to the value of power plants and continuously improves its service capabilities, has a bright future.