Green energy saving has become a trend China's lighting industry is moving towards high quality
发布时间:2022.03.25 来源:Zhejiang Leji Electric Technology Co., Ltd.

"In the past 30 years, the lighting and electrical industry has flourished and achieved fruitful results. The lighting and electrical industry has kept pace with the times, from imitation to independent innovation, from simple processing to the whole industry chain, from OEM to overseas expansion." China National Light Industry Federation Party Secretary and President Zhang Chonghe said at the 30th anniversary celebration meeting of the China Lighting Association and the 8th Fourth Council held recently that China's lighting industry is steadily transitioning from high-speed development to high-quality development. It is moving in the direction of more diversification, intelligence and integration.

Rapid development to high-quality development

As the daily consumer goods representing the basic needs of the national economy, lighting products still have a strong rigid demand foundation and good development potential. China is still the world's largest producer and exporter of lighting and electrical products, and it is also a huge consumer market comparable to North America. The rate has exceeded 50%, the scale advantage is unshakable, and the manufacturing position is irreplaceable. Under the current macro situation of deepening supply-side structural reform, environmental protection and overcapacity, and financial deleveraging, the development cycle of the entire industry is also stabilizing.

Zhang Chonghe pointed out that in the first three quarters of 2019, the export value of China's lighting industry was about 32.2 billion US dollars, with a slight year-on-year increase of 2.55%. 2018 was a year of steady development in the lighting industry. The sales of the whole industry exceeded 580 billion yuan, an increase of 17 times compared with 20 years ago; the foreign exchange earned from exports was close to 45 billion US dollars, an increase of 21 times compared with 20 years ago. The product category is greatly enriched, the performance continues to improve, the export increases significantly, and the international status is significantly improved. LED lighting products have further expanded their market share, and exports have grown slightly year-on-year. Leading products of new materials, new technologies, and new processes such as LED light sources and LED lamps are emerging one after another, and excellent companies such as Op, Sunshine, and NVC are emerging. China's lighting and electrical industry is steadily transitioning from high-speed development to high-quality development, moving towards a more diversified, intelligent and integrated direction.

Industry intensive integration

While the industry is making progress, there are also a lot of pressures. Zhang Chonghe said that my country's lighting industry has always been characterized by a large number of enterprises, small scale of monomers, and mainly private components, resulting in a low degree of industrial concentration. Among the tens of thousands of enterprises in the industry, only 2,800 enterprises above designated size Family. After LED enters the field of general lighting, the diversification of product types and market channels caused by the diversification of customer demand is more prominent. Many enterprises have to bear a large amount of R&D investment and mold pressure for small batches of non-universal products.

With the continuous development of the industry, enterprises will accelerate the survival of the fittest, and small enterprises that lack technological advantages and accumulated experience will be gradually eliminated. The government will also promote the integration of the industry and the survival of the fittest by strengthening and guiding the construction of industry standards.

Relevant personnel said that under the circumstance that the overall market environment is not ideal, although lighting application manufacturers are under many pressures such as rising costs, declining gross profit, and weak growth, the revenue of top-ranking high-quality enterprises accounts for an increasing proportion of the entire industry, while Correspondingly, low-end enterprises are lingering. At the same time, as LED lighting products enter a mature and stable period, the improvement of relevant standardization systems and the acceleration of production automation, the polarization caused by this market reshuffle will continue until the survival of the fittest. It will continue to promote the intensive integration of the entire industry.

Zhang Chonghe said that the development direction of lighting in the future is to develop from quantitative advantages to quality advantages, that is, products will be upgraded from low added value to high added value, enterprises will develop from labor-intensive to technology-intensive, and industries will change from extensive to intensive. type transformation. Then it has developed from a big lighting manufacturing country to a lighting manufacturing powerhouse, and evolved from a lighting manufacturer in China to a lighting manufacturer in China. It is necessary to actively promote the spirit of entrepreneurship and craftsmanship, focus on quality, pursue excellence, and dedicate more and better lighting products to human life. It is necessary to actively fulfill social responsibilities, actively enhance environmental protection awareness, produce safe and reliable products, and make more contributions to the society.