Capture the overall victory in the construction of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things
发布时间:2022.03.25 来源:Zhejiang Leji Electric Technology Co., Ltd.

Report: Recently, the "Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things White Paper 2019" released by State Grid Corporation of China shows that State Grid will initially build the Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things within two years. The ultimate goal is to realize the interconnection of all things and human-computer interaction in all aspects of the power system, forming "one source of data, one map of power grid, and one line of business". After reading this news, the author gave birth to many emotions.

The ubiquitous power Internet of Things is to use digital technology to empower the traditional power grid, and to fully apply modern information technologies such as mobile Internet and artificial intelligence, and advanced communication technologies around all aspects of the power system to realize the interconnection of all things and human-computer interaction in all aspects of the power system. A smart service system with comprehensive status perception, efficient information processing, convenient and flexible application, including four-layer structure of perception layer, network layer, platform layer, and application layer, continuously improves the perception ability, interaction level and operation efficiency of the power grid, and promotes the reduction of users. Energy consumption, operation and maintenance costs, and strong support for the access and comprehensive utilization of various energy sources.

We know that the ubiquitous power Internet of Things has the following advantages: First, it promotes the reform, development, transformation and upgrading of enterprises, realizes "one source of data, one map of power grid, and one line of business" within the company, and uses data to drive management change and transformation and upgrading; The second is to promote new energy consumption and the overall improvement of the energy industry, integrate massive data, and promote the solution of new energy consumption problems; the third is to promote the localization and replacement of key technologies, focusing on key technologies such as intelligent sensing and comprehensive energy service equipment. The fourth is to activate the power "data blue ocean", which will more effectively give birth to emerging services such as Internet finance.

State Grid has already tried to apply technologies such as mobile internet and artificial intelligence in some regions and some power links to make the power grid more "smart". For example, in Tianjin and other places, build a comprehensive energy service system centered on electricity, realize the effective connection of energy supply and demand data and intelligent management and control of various energy-consuming equipment; in Jiangsu and other places, comprehensively improve the perception ability, interaction level and Self-healing ability; in Beijing, Shanghai and other places, the State Grid Electric Vehicle Company piloted the orderly charging of electric vehicles, carried out information exchange and hierarchical control on the distribution network, users, charging piles and electric vehicles, and dynamically adjusted the charging time and power. .

Therefore, in accordance with the State Grid's plan, we must firmly grasp the strategic breakthrough period from 2019 to 2021. After three years of tackling difficulties, we will initially build the ubiquitous power Internet of Things by 2021; after three years of improvement, we will complete it by 2024 The ubiquitous power Internet of Things will ultimately realize the transformation from "using electricity well" to "using energy well", and contribute to the overall victory of the construction of the ubiquitous power Internet of Things.